Exciting Demonstrations and Science Shows !



A varaity of Science Shows are conducted at the Centre every day. Details are as below:


3D Science Show

3D Show

Use of Digital Technology offers immense avenue to present images with extraordinary variety. In this theatre, Polaroid based stereo projection creates three dimensional effect. The show gives an immersive experience with help of special Polaroid spectacles.

Daily shows are conducted at evry 30 minute interval for the public. For School/College Group Special shows are arranged.

Science Demonstration (Science Show)


The Science Dmonstration Corner has a provision to conduct live demonstrations and experiments based on school science curriculum and science in day to day life to groups of visitors and students to excite them about learning of science with fun.

Duration of the demonstration : 30 min.

Children Corner

Child Corner

Consists of simple experiments and activities with varieties of puzzles and science educational kits.

Planetarium Show


The new planetarium can accommodate 122 visitors at a time and present basic Astronomy concepts in a unique way.

Daily shows are conducted at evry 1 hour interval for the public.

Languages of shows: Marathi, Hindi and English


Liquid Nitrogen Show


The Liquid Nitrogen Show can accommodate 20 visitors at a time and presents some amazing properties of liquid Nitrogen along with understanding of the science behind it in an interactive way.

Show timings are: 11:30 am, 12:30 am, 02:30 pm and 04:30 pm.

Minimum strength of required to arrange a show is 10.

Duration of the show : 30 min.



The Taramandal, an inflatable dome planetarium can accommodate 30 students at a time and present basic Astronomy concepts in a unique and interactive way.

Shows are arranged on the public demand.

Duration of the show : 20min.


Sky Observation

Sky Observation

Get a firsthand knowledge of the night sky of Pimpri Chinchwad with the help of a telescope.

Saturdays/ Sundays from 7.00 pm to 8.00 pm (Depends on weather conditions, Closed during Monsoon season).

For this Sky Observation program prior appointment is required.

Popular Science Lecture


Lectures by immenient Scientists or leading personalities in the field of Science & Technology.

Mostly lectures are held on 1st day of every month in the evening. For details, please contact information desk or enrol your name.

For details of next lecture click here.